Nurseries is planning the process of closing the retail division of our
company. Our public location on Highway 1, six miles east of Portage,
suited the operation of a Garden Centre and enabled the gardening public
to deal directly with a grower.
business had largely started out as a retail location but over the years
has changed to be a grower and supplier to independent garden centres,
landscapers, cities and other growers. While retail business was once
over 50% of company sales it now is less than 3%. Our company's sales
are now Canada wide but mostly in prairie Canada with a small part of
production going to the northern U.S.
will still be able to find our product at local and area garden centres
under the Northern Garden Collection label.
We stand ready to honour any outstanding gift certificates and
warranties through 2021.
family would like to thank all of you who have supported us through the
past years of both floods and good fortune. From our household to yours,
God bless you, as we seek to return to a more normal lifestyle without
the current pandemic, which to a greater or lesser extent has affected
us all.
The Ronald Family
5, 2021